Yolo what is it and why we love our name?
Our company history has to do with all about Boating and the outdoors in Miami and Fort Lauderdale.
We grew up with water-sports and YoloBoatRentals does yachting and boating around us and learning what South Florida has to offer with its beautiful nature, learned where the best Snorkeling spots are located in our area, coolest tourist attraction’s so good that Travel Agency’s asked us for advice on recommendations to places to go, perhaps a reason we are on Tripadvisor. We love Miami Beach its known for famous people and its night life, as for Ft. Lauderdale is the mini South Beach or comparison, boating is a blast in these areas and you always can rent a boat with us (here). To sum up our expertise and boat rental services in Miami and Fort Lauderdale we Choose the Yolo name because You Only Love Once and should enjoy life as much as you can.